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Moose in Marshland by Carl Rungius | Fine Art Print
High Country Snow by Carl Rungius | Fine Art Print
Grizzly Bear by Carl Rungius | Fine Art Print
Bighorn and Mountain Goat by Carl Rungius | Fine Art Print
Bull Moose by Carl Rungius | Fine Art Print
Canadian Backcountry by Carl Rungius | Fine Art Print
Bugling Elk by Carl Rungius | Fine Art Print
Coming to the Call II by Carl Rungius | Fine Art Print
Bighorn Sheep, Nigel Pass, Alberta, 1919 by Carl Rungius | Fine Art Print
Above Treeline by Carl Rungius | Fine Art Print
Big Horns by Carl Rungius | Fine Art Print
Alert by Carl Rungius | Fine Art Print