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Two Cows Grazing by Rosa Bonheur | Fine Art Print
Two White Oxen Pulling a Cart by Rosa Bonheur | Fine Art Print
Trotting a Horse by Rosa Bonheur | Fine Art Print
Three Wooly Sheep by Rosa Bonheur | Fine Art Print
The Wounded Eagle by Rosa Bonheur | Fine Art Print
Three Studies of a Doe Head by Rosa Bonheur | Fine Art Print
Three Horses in a Landscape by Rosa Bonheur | Fine Art Print
Three Sheep in a Landscape by Rosa Bonheur | Fine Art Print
The Mule by Rosa Bonheur | Fine Art Print
The Legend of the Wolves by Rosa Bonheur | Fine Art Print
The Plain and Fields by Rosa Bonheur | Fine Art Print
The Old Monarch by Rosa Bonheur | Fine Art Print