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Hake by Sherman Foote Denton | Fine Art Print
Golden Shiner or Bream by Sherman Foote Denton | Fine Art Print
Dogfish and Mudfish or Grindle by Sherman Foote Denton | Fine Art Print
Goldfish by Sherman Foote Denton | Fine Art Print
Fall Fish or Silver Chub by Sherman Foote Denton | Fine Art Print
Enemies of the Oyster by Sherman Foote Denton | Fine Art Print
Fresh Water Drum by Sherman Foote Denton | Fine Art Print
Cod by Sherman Foote Denton | Fine Art Print
Eel by Sherman Foote Denton | Fine Art Print
Crappie by Sherman Foote Denton | Fine Art Print
Channel Bass, Redfish by Sherman Foote Denton | Fine Art Print
Calico or Strawberry Bass by Sherman Foote Denton | Fine Art Print